Thou Hast Left Me Ever, Jamie


Type: Song
Tune: Fee him, father, fee him.

Thou hast left me ever, Jamie,
Thou hast left me ever;
Thou has left me ever, Jamie,
Thou hast left me ever:
Aften hast thou vow’d that Death
Only should us sever;
Now thou’st left thy lass for aye-
I maun see thee never, Jamie,
I’ll see thee never.

Thou hast me forsaken, Jamie,
Thou hast me forsaken;
Thou hast me forsaken, Jamie,
Thou hast me forsaken;
Thou canst love another jo,
While my heart is breaking;
Soon my weary een I’ll close,
Never mair to waken, Jamie,
Never mair to waken!



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