Come aboard, O dear, with your wings wet of rain! Though the nails would bruise my skin, leave your pace upon my palm, stay caressed by the softest touch! There is warmth within me to shelter your dreams and my duffel has grains to feed your hunger. On the shore of the flooded river, amidst the roaring of the darkest rain, here I am O dear, longing for you!
Let us have a shower in this pouring rain, stay wet and be cleansed in rain. Amidst the noisy rain hitting the dry leaves, listen, there is a melody from far distant, soothing the senses! Dissolve unto the notes of love and dance in ecstasy with the rhythm of thunder for between the horizons of day and night there are only few moments left!
In the morning when there is sunshine, I will set you free to the skies of blue! Fly away to the farthest, and then beyond to see a world of timeless joy, leaving me alone in this fairy dale; for I am a lone, travelling to nowhere. When the way end I would seek a shade where I would shelter my stale being, to sleep unto the silence of my soul!
For deep within me, there is a longing- longing of the deepest for silence., for quietude after a long tiresome journey.