Through the falling lids of jaded eyes, show me a land dense of green, amidst the woods appear the streams, the bells of anklets of a naughty girl hide beneath the huge tree trunks. Chasing the shyness deep in the woods, lead me to the virgin lands, unseen, worn!
Show me a hut there to refuge my dreams, lit a lamp of wisdom for the passersby! An adobe for an adorable beast or beauty or for flying birds or stinging flies – an adobe that would embrace them tight unto heart. Kiss them adieu in a morning, when the distant paths await their paces.
Upon the dark lit summer skies, show me meteors showering the riches; brush my eyes with colours celestial; let me pick them all and bury deep for ages to come. Come not O greedy eyes of lust, for its saved for the noble souls.
Show me twilight, where colours melting unto the distant horizons would leave me lone in profound muse! Winter, when the lastest leaf faint upon the arms of chilled breeze, lit a pyre of noble thoughts, embrace me the warmth of an abundant life!
Show me a tomb earthly under the mist, upon which the December flowers wither their petals! And a naked man kneeling down upon on the wet green with his temples on the marble and caressing the inscription: ‘A man who set his journey back to time!’
O the angel of darkest night, hold my hands and take me aboard!