
an old church spire
pierces the quiet morning.
Industrial smoke rises too.

I am watching actual reflections early.
The open sky has come to meet us,
here dawn is at 9.30am.
Your nights are long,
darkness fell at 3 in the afternoon yesterday,
A Friday.

Something has stilled the
blackened twigs of trees
this windless Saturday morning,
they do not swing like church bells,
the snow lies quietly melting.
The temperature is one above zero,
I hope it will rise higher tomorrow.

But the sky is open and,
seeing light clouds shot with orange
I feel warm in my heart,
this silence renews me,
gives me strength.

To mock the lack of movement
a white crow, has cut a cross,
and passed to meet sparrows in a V formation,
Their message in a morning
after firecracker outburst,
is difficult to footnote below.

They have come thrice as if to say,
soon you will see,
the victory rising on an your dawn.
I raise my cup and take a gulp,
The church spire now bathes in solace
in noon light high, it is three degrees.

I know we are near, one year has ended,
another has begun, with so much color.
someone had captured, white doves in their hands;
and now their beaks break free in speech.

A long journey, begins with a desire,
when the first step is taken, there is no turning back.
We all must be free to see change, unfolding slowly in a pod.

This moment is my gift, I will move it, so it wont wilt,
Until I put it to you in golden silt, and without a doubt you will see,
It was worth every risk. The sunsrises with a promise to rise again.

End of the poem

15 random poems


Poetry by subject

Some external links:

The Bat’s Own Poetry Cave 

Talking Writing Monster. – the alternative in the US – a search engine from France, and also an alternative, at least for Europe

Yandex – the Russian search engine (it’s probably the best search engine for image searches).
