When the heaven skies, bleed for many years
no form of communication had to be shared.
You can only hear, can’t feel no fear.
What’s it like too build many disguise,
to hide whats in but many men sin.
Confuse to complain, when did it show self one gain.
To pull information from my head,
the tiery of writing, day after day.
But when you talk about power
every speech you hear must let out the word power
and am so close to the great God
to that i was once lost.
One night spoken to me
through the inner skills of songs
the inability to interact, socially perform.
That this you behold to my courageous,
join hearts together, combined physically with the sungs.
Never announced bring the sinners to a shame.
To many i have seen, to many i have believe,
if not by my wicked ways, to achieve a conquerable belief,
then it should be done by my own music.