Poems about Poetry
A Poet’s Privilege
by Monique Kwachou
If I use these words to bare the soul
For all this world to see,
And if with this pen,
tell all societies secrets
Leave it be, it is my will
And I may criticize everything
All that I see,
tearing down faulty structures,
others have built
Audacity is the license of my skill
And if with my writing I seek to touch your innermost being
To capture the heart,
stir mind and enthuse spirit
And coerce and convince you to believe along with me –
It is my art…
Do not fault me
And if my words so few should succeed
To move, provoke
and induce feelings new
Or express what you had longed to share
Just dub me a sage
and give me my due
A Million More Nights to Go
Copyright ©:
2012: Reprinted with Permission from Coal and Femficatio Publishing Ltd.