I’m talking about the weariness
that words go through
when they use up all their weight
that place
between my silence
and the floor of your eyes.
End of the poem
15 random poems
- Sonet 33 by William Alexander
- John Sutter by Yvor Winters
- “`Roses crimson, roses white” poem – Alfred Austin
- Ludwig Von Beethoven’s Return To Vienna by Rita Dove
- Владимир Маяковский – Свидетельствую
- Changing Of The Seasons by Shel Silverstein
- Гавриил Державин – Философы, пьяный и трезвый
- Николай Заболоцкий – Городок
- Владимир Луговской – Первый снег
- An Essay on Man: Epistle II poem – Alexander Pope
- Sheep In Fog by Sylvia Plath
- Sonnet To Homer poem – John Keats poems
- Mushrooms by Rina Ferrarelli
- The Gardener XXVI: What Comes From Your Willing Hands by Rabindranath Tagore
- Sonnet LI by William Shakespeare
Some external links:
Duckduckgo.com – the alternative in the US
Quant.com – a search engine from France, and also an alternative, at least for Europe
Yandex – the Russian search engine (it’s probably the best search engine for image searches).