Loitering down through shrubs of my spirit
color:#333333″>Briers, nettles, thorny buds
color:#333333″>Looking for a daffodil, a daisy or a myrtle
color:#333333″>Oh, his touch of butterfly
color:#333333″>Blushes the rose with a cry
color:#333333″>I thought nice’d be a glass of wine
color:#333333″>Amber, blessed, red and fire
color:#333333″>To sin tonight my spirit plies
color:#333333″>And forget the holy ashes of my hopes
color:#333333″>OK, let me draw remorse in the depth of my soul
color:#333333″>Damp it deep and tie with nerve wrathy ropes.
color:#333333″>Rubies of stars sprayed on fair hair
color:#333333″>With the splendour brooch of Milky way.
color:#333333″>Adieu, adieu dystrophic dreams
color:#333333″>Hanging on my life’s line
color:#333333″>Waving rags, dried and ironed hundreds of time
color:#333333″>Have I wasted my life
color:#333333″>The wretched, the unworthy?
color:#333333″>Could the choice be now a knife
color:#333333″>And damp earth with life’s wine
color:#333333″>And close the rusty gate?
color:#333333″>Oh, my love, it’s now too late
color:#333333″>And drink your face with the wine.