She was fair as a Passion-flower,
(But little of love he knew.)
Her lucent eyes were like amber wine,
And her eyelids stained with blue.
He called them the Gates of Fair Desire,
And the Lakes where Beauty lay,
But I looked into them once, and saw
The eyes of Beasts of Prey.
He praised her teeth, that were small and white
As lilies upon his lawn,
While I remembered a tiger’s fangs
That met in a speckled fawn.
She had her way; a lover the more,
And I had a friend the less.
For long there was nothing to do but wait
And suffer his happiness.
But now I shall choose the sharpest Kriss
And nestle it in her breast,
For dead, he is drifting down to sea,
And his own hand wrought his rest.
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- Владимир Высоцкий – Тоска немая гложет иногда
- The Twa Sisters poem – Andrew Lang poems
- “Flight to the Moon” by Nina Gabriel
External links
Bat’s Poetry Page – more poetry by Fledermaus
Talking Writing Monster’s Page –
Batty Writing – the bat’s idle chatter, thoughts, ideas and observations, all original, all fresh
Poems in English
- Юнна Мориц – Балтийское лето
- Юнна Мориц – Астры
- Юнна Мориц – Античная картина
- Юргис Балтрушайтис – Утренние песни
- Юргис Балтрушайтис – Твой знак пред жизнью
- Юргис Балтрушайтис – Тополь
- Юргис Балтрушайтис – Ткач
- Юргис Балтрушайтис – Светлая заутреня
- Юргис Балтрушайтис – Стучись, упорствуя, Кирка
- Юргис Балтрушайтис – Средь бега дней моих порой
- Юргис Балтрушайтис – Соме le onde
- Юргис Балтрушайтис – Перевал
- Юргис Балтрушайтис – Памяти Скрябина
- Юргис Балтрушайтис – Памяти Александра Цатуриана
- Юргис Балтрушайтис – Отторженность
- Юргис Балтрушайтис – Отчаяние
- Юргис Балтрушайтис – Осенняя песня
- Юргис Балтрушайтис – Одиночество
- Юргис Балтрушайтис – Новогоднее видение
- Юргис Балтрушайтис – Ночью
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Ecosia – a search engine that supposedly… plants trees
Duckduckgo – the real alternative and a search engine that actually works. Without much censorship or partisan politics.
Yahoo– yes, it’s still around, amazingly, miraculously, incredibly, but now it seems to be powered by Bing.
Parallel Translations of Poetry
The Poetry Repository – an online library of poems, poetry, verse and poetic works

Violet Nicolson ( 1865 – 1904); otherwise known as Adela Florence Nicolson (née Cory), was an English poetess who wrote under the pseudonym of Laurence Hope, however she became known as Violet Nicolson. In the early 1900s, she became a best-selling author. She committed suicide and is buried in Madras, now Chennai, India.