Angel of Better Days to Come

Rockets of blind faith

sputter and crackle dead dreams––

like time bleeding stars.

Through soft painted moans

a man watches his life drown

in waves of glass bones.

Celestial winds

blow chilled screams for love’s mercy

down canyons of dread.

Through bright haunted smiles

a woman hums white magic––

sings pain into pearls.

Reflections of self

in multiple dimensions

whirl across the sky.

Machine guns fire knives

that slice the world’s bloody tears

like bits of strange fruit.

Throbbing blue rhythms,

a torn heart wrestles naked

with wounds from the past.

Black holes coalesce

into mounds of burned feathers

and crucified trust.

Between death and hell

a bridge shining silver wings

offers his soul hope.

That good gardener,

who wept thorns plowing his fields––

harvests grace with joy.

ELEMENTAL, The Power of Illuminated Love

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