!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>Angel of Better Days to Come by Aberjhani/title> /div> h1 class=”pageTitle”>Angel of Better Days to Come/h1> div class=”entry-content clearfix”> h2 itemprop=”author” class=”author”>by Aberjhani/h2> div itemprop=”genre” id=”content”> p>Rockets of blind faithbr /> sputter and crackle dead dreams––br /> like time bleeding stars./p> p>Through soft painted moansbr /> a man watches his life drownbr /> in waves of glass bones./p> p>Celestial windsbr /> blow chilled screams for love’s mercybr /> down canyons of dread./p> p>Through bright haunted smilesbr /> a woman hums white magic––br /> sings pain into pearls./p> p>Reflections of selfbr /> in multiple dimensionsbr /> whirl across the sky./p> p>Machine guns fire knivesbr /> that slice the world’s bloody tearsbr /> like bits of strange fruit./p> p>Throbbing blue rhythms,br /> a torn heart wrestles nakedbr /> with wounds from the past./p> p>Black holes coalescebr /> into mounds of burned feathersbr /> and crucified trust./p> p>Between death and hellbr /> a bridge shining silver wingsbr /> offers his soul hope./p> p>That good gardener,br /> who wept thorns plowing his fields––br /> harvests grace with joy./p> br> /body> /html>