1. Use your articles to brand yourself as an expert in your field. Securing an expert label is crucial for all internet marketers. You must know that online users will not surely buy from you unless you’re an authority in your chosen niche. You can show them how much you know about the subject that you’re discussing by giving them complete, in-depth information through your articles. It would be great if you spill out trade secrets and insider tips instead of general information.
2. Build links for your website. Inbound links are seriously being considered by the search engines when they are indexing a website. The more links pointing to your site, the higher your ranking. You can build unlimited inbound links for your website by simply writing and distributing your articles to ezines and directories where you can insert URLs on your resource box.
3. Use your articles for your list building campaigns. Most people these days will not subscribe to your email marketing list unless they’ll get something for free. Aside from giving them product samples and ebooks, you can also offer them with expertly written articles that contain useful information.
4. Sell your articles. If you’re not into affiliate marketing and if you’re not running your ebusiness, you can still cash in from this endeavor by selling your articles. Do not worry as the demand right now is pretty high. This is because every internet marketer knows that the key to succeed online is to use compelling articles on their website/blog and on their article marketing campaign.