!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>At the Zoo by A. A. Milne/title> /div> h1 class=”pageTitle”>At the Zoo/h1> div class=”entry-content clearfix”> h2 class=”author”>by A. A. Milne/h2> div id=”content”> p>There are lions and roaring tigers,br /> and enormous camels and things,br /> There are biffalo-buffalo-bisons,br /> and a great big bear with wings.br /> There’s a sort of a tiny potamus,br /> and a tiny nosserus too -br /> But I gave buns to the elephantbr /> when I went down to the Zoo!/p> p>There are badgers and bidgers and bodgers,br /> and a Super-in-tendent’s House,br /> There are masses of goats, and a Polar,br /> and different kinds of mouse,br /> And I think there’s a sort of a somethingbr /> which is called a wallaboo -br /> But I gave buns to the elephantbr /> when I went down to the Zoo!/p> p>If you try to talk to the bison,br /> he never quite understands;br /> You can’t shake hands with a mingo -br /> he doesn’t like shaking hands.br /> And lions and roaring tigersbr /> hate saying, “How do you do?” -br /> But I give buns to the elephantbr /> when I go down to the Zoo!/p>/div> p>br /> br> /body> /html>