!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>ATHENS stone of sapphire of ground the Ring by kapardeli eftichia /title> /div> h1 class=”pageTitle”>ATHENS stone of sapphire of ground the Ring/h1> div class=”entry-content clearfix”> h2 class=”author”>by kapardeli eftichia /h2> div id=”content”> p>ATHENSbr /> Athens stone of sapphire of ground the Ring… “br /> “.. /p> p> Kostis Palamasbr /> Years rooted herebr /> less than the richbr /> sunlightbr /> Greek lightbr /> stone chiselbr /> coalesce with the Godsbr /> with souls, with ideas and names /p> p> ***br /> Petals of rosesbr /> fall to earthbr /> Centuries browsebr /> under the marble sculptorsbr /> invinciblesbr /> columns of the Parthenon /p> p> ***br /> With the golden armorbr /> hand and the swordbr /> Athena, goddess of the citybr /> pilgrims whobr /> searching for the waybr /> Immortal spirit of the Greekbr /> leads /p> p>«Greece beforebr /> the sort of glorious yearsbr /> never fadebr /> why is unfading Sofia » /p> p> ***br /> My friends and my acquaintancesbr /> Flowers on tree clonesbr /> flourished and maturedbr /> all these yearsbr /> from the weight they fellbr /> in this groundbr /> where wounded birdbr /> in the fog from the current invaders it resembles/p> p> *** /p> p>Athensbr /> Eternal Beauty soil gloriousbr /> lightning capture toolsbr /> the cloud and the Starbr /> Atticus Skybr /> each new daybr /> crowned with ancient ideals /p> p> ***br /> New Sun, New routebr /> A Golden Citybr /> there always remains hiddenbr /> the handful of Godbr /> hiding/p> br> /body> /html>