Be prepared for the loss of your health and heart.
Life will never always be and it changes in whole or in part.
Be prepared to lose the love of your life.
Love can be corrupt and not always true in strife.
Be prepared to lose your job and house,
government and employers are fickle in their fortress.
Be prepared to lose your savings and wealth,
calamity can strike and that money spent to save you from death.
Be prepared to live each day to the full as it comes,
the next day may not come.
Be happy, cheerful and joyful in all your doings
so evil depressed people cannot stop you from singing.
Always be prepared so you don’t lose your soul in your journey,
so you don’t commit suicide on a whim or become a drug fed junky.
Then you can live life to the full with no regrets in your realness and dreams,
not toil in a dark nightmare fighting with demons-monsters in that realm.