Beautiful Balmerino
by William Topaz McGonagall
Beautiful Balmermo on the bonnie banks of Tay,
It’s a very bonnie spot in the months of June or May;
The scenery there is charming and fascinating to see,
Especially the surroundings of the old Abbey,
Which is situated in the midst of trees on a rugged hill,
Which visitors can view at their own free will;
And the trees and shrubberies are lovely to view,
Especially the trees on each side of the avenue
Which leads up to the Abbey amongst the trees;
And in the summer time it’s frequented with bees,
And also crows with their unmusical cry,
Which is a great annoyance to the villagers that live near by.
And there in the summer season the mavis sings,
And with her charming notes the woodland rings;
And the sweet-scented zephyrs is borne upon the gale,
Which is most refreshing and invigorating to inhale.
Then there’s the stately Castle of Balmerino
Situated in the midst of trees, a magnificent show,
And bordering on the banks o’ the silvery Tay,
Where visitors can spend a happy holiday.
As they view the castle and scenery around
It will help to cheer their spirits I’ll be bound;
And if they wish to view Wormit Bay
They can walk along the braes o’ the silvery Tay.
The End
And that’s the End of the Poem
© Poetry Monster, 2021.
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