C’est la nuit aveugle
by Martine Morillon-Carreau
Éteintes elles se sont éteintes
tandis que nous parlions
la lune et les étoiles
Et maintenant que tout se tait
c’est la nuit aveugle
qui se poursuit
sans repères
mal réchappé aux cardères des fossés
un grand brouillard de laine
et son poids d’eau inconsolable
sur les roseaux du marécage
End of the poem
15 random poems
- A Week by Thomas Hardy
- Sonnet CXLVII by William Shakespeare
- Under The Blue Skies… poem – Alexander Pushkin
- Safety-Clutch poem – by Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- Владимир Высоцкий – Нет меня, я покинул Расею
- Владимир Маяковский – Били раз… (РОСТА №631)
- No Foe Shall Gather Our Harvest by Mary Gilmore
- on the edge of the seat by Raj Arumugam
- Ольга Ермолаева – Всю эту печаль невозможно вместить целиком
- A Wreath Of Immortelles poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- Fragment of Song—The Night was Still by Robert Burns
- The First Chantey by Rudyard Kipling
- The Stage Coach by William Barnes
- On Recollection by Phillis Wheatley
- Нина Воронель – Природа сама сочиняет стихи
Some external links:
Duckduckgo.com – the alternative in the US
Quant.com – a search engine from France, and also an alternative, at least for Europe
Yandex – the Russian search engine (it’s probably the best search engine for image searches).