Madison Julius Cawein (Мэдисон Джулиус Кавейн)
I O heart that vainly follows The flight of summer swallows, Far over holts and hollows, O'er frozen buds and flowers; To violet seas and levels, Where Love Time's locks dishevels With merry mimes and revels Of aphrodisiac Hours. II O Love who, dreaming, borrows Dead love from sad to-morrows, The broken heart that sorrows, The blighted hopes that weep; Pale faces pale with sleeping; Red eyelids red with weeping; Dead lips dead secrets keeping, That shake the deeps of sleep! III O Memory that showers About the withered hours White, ruined, sodden flowers, Dead dust and bitter rain; Dead loves with faces teary; Dead passions wan and dreary; The weary, weary, weary, Dead heart-ache and the pain! IV O give us back the blisses, Lost madness of moist kisses, The youth, the joy, the tresses, The fragrant limbs of white; The high heart like a jewel Alive with subtle fuel, Lips beautiful and cruel, Eyes' incarnated light! V Instead of tears, wild laughter The old hot passions after, The houri sweets that dafter Made flesh and soul a slave! Enough of tearful sorrows; Enough of rank to-morrows; The life that whines and borrows But memories of the grave! VI The grave that breaks no netting Of care or spint's fretting, No long, long sweet forgetting For those who would forget; And those who stammer by it Hope of an endless quiet, Within them voiceless riot When they and it have met. VII And God we pray beseeching, - But Life with finger reaching, Stone-stern, remaineth teaching Our hearts to turn to stone; Then fain are we to follow The last, lorn, soaring swallow Past bourns of holt and hollow Forevermore alone.
Madison Julius Cawein’s other poems: