Ah! they vew zummers brought us round
The happiest days that we’ve a-vound,
When in the orcha’d, that did stratch
To westward out avore the patch
Ov high-bough’d wood, an’ shelve to catch
The western zun-light, we did meet
Wi’ merry tongues an’ skippèn veet
At evenèn in the twilight.
The evenèn aïr did fan, in turn,
The cheäks the midday zun did burn.
An’ zet the russlèn leaves at plaÿ,
An’ meäke the red-stemm’d brembles sway
In bows below the snow-white maÿ;
An’ whirlèn roun’ the trees, did sheäke
Jeäne’s raven curls about her neck,
They evenèns in the twilight.
An’ there the yollow light did rest
Upon the bank towárd the west,
An’ twitt’rèn birds did hop in drough
The hedge, an’ many a skippèn shoe
Did beät the flowers, wet wi’ dew,
As underneäth the tree’s wide limb
Our merry sheäpes did jumpy, dim,
They evenèns in the twilight.
How sweet’s the evenèn dusk to rove
Along wi’ woone that we do love!
When light enough is in the sky
To sheäde the smile an’ light the eye
‘Tis all but heaven to be by;
An’ bid, in whispers soft an’ light
‘S the ruslèn ov a leaf, “Good night,”
At evenèn in the twilight.
An’ happy be the young an’ strong,
That can but work the whole day long
So merry as the birds in spring;
An’ have noo ho vor any thing
Another day mid teäke or bring;
But meet, when all their work’s a-done,
In orcha’d vor their bit o’ fun
At evenèn in the twilight.
The End
And that’s the End of the Poem
© Poetry Monster, 2021.
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