It was May before my
attention came
to spring and
my word I said
to the southern slopes
missed it, it
came and went before
I got right to see:
don’t worry, said the mountain,
try the later northern slopes
or if
you can climb, climb
into spring: but
said the mountain
it’s not that way
with all things, some
that go are gone
A few random poems:
- The Winds Out of the West Land Blow poem – A. E. Housman
- Pejar Creek by Mary Gilmore
- Федор Тютчев – Как он любил родные ели
- Владимир Британишский – Фет в кирасирском полку
- A Dialogue Betwixt Himself and Mistress Eliza Wheeler, under the Name of Amarillis by Robert Herrick
- Vellen O’ The Tree by William Barnes
- Be Not a War Poet by Tomás Ó Cárthaigh
- Олег Бундур – Заповедная жизнь
- To A Picture Of Eleanor Duse by Sara Teasdale
- Владимир Маяковский – Врангель – фон… (РОСТА №472)
- Epistle To My Brother George poem – John Keats poems
- Василий Казин – Каменщик
- Robert Burns: Epigram On Miss Davies: On being asked why she had been formed so little, and Mrs. A-so big.
- Owen Aherne And His Dancers by William Butler Yeats
- The Legend Of Lady Gertrude
External links
Bat’s Poetry Page – more poetry by Fledermaus
Talking Writing Monster’s Page –
Batty Writing – the bat’s idle chatter, thoughts, ideas and observations, all original, all fresh
Poems in English
- Михаил Кузмин – В легкой лени
- Михаил Кузмин – В Канопе жизнь привольная
- Михаил Кузмин – В густом лесу мы дождь пережидали
- Михаил Кузмин – В гроте Венерином мы горим
- Михаил Кузмин – Уж не слышен конский топот
- Михаил Кузмин – Увы, любви своей не скрою
- Михаил Кузмин – Утро (Звезды побледнели)
- Михаил Кузмин – Утраченного чародейства
- Михаил Кузмин – Утешение
- Михаил Кузмин – Туманный день пройдет уныло
- Михаил Кузмин – Трое (Нас было трое)
- Михаил Кузмин – Три раза я его видел лицом к лицу
- Константин Ваншенкин – Городские костры
- Константин Ваншенкин – Ехал я в штабном автомобиле
- Константин Батюшков – На смерть И.П. Пнина
- Константин Батюшков – На поэмы Петру Великому
- Константин Батюшков – На книгу под названием «Смесь»
- Константин Батюшков – Мщение
- Константин Батюшков – Мои пенаты
- Константин Батюшков – Мечта
More external links (open in a new tab):
Doska or the Board – write anything
Search engines:
Yandex – the best search engine for searches in Russian (and the best overall image search engine, in any language, anywhere)
Qwant – the best search engine for searches in French, German as well as Romance and Germanic languages.
Ecosia – a search engine that supposedly… plants trees
Duckduckgo – the real alternative and a search engine that actually works. Without much censorship or partisan politics.
Yahoo– yes, it’s still around, amazingly, miraculously, incredibly, but now it seems to be powered by Bing.
Parallel Translations of Poetry
The Poetry Repository – an online library of poems, poetry, verse and poetic works

Archie Randolph Ammons (1926-2001) was an important American poet, a modern classic, Ammons wrote about our relationship to nature in a way that is both comic and solemn. His poems often address religious and philosophical matters and scenes involving nature in a manner that is almost transcendental.