Fleeting Thoughts
by Mac McGovern
We write our thoughts,
not to forget,
to document
a moment of fleeting thought
shared from memory,
then gone forever.
Thoughts converted to memories
as age surges toward twilight,
expressed as vivid reenactments
of history and genealogy.
To let memory pass into obscurity,
decry the sadness that exists
in the mind of man.
We write our thoughts,
not to forget,
to document,
to learn what the mind is teaching,
fleeting thoughts flow through
the mind,
soon lost forever.
End of the poem
15 random poems
- Lines on Fergusson, the Poet by Robert Burns
- The Boy by Marilyn Hacker
- Let A Florid Music Praise by W H Auden
- Владимир Высоцкий – Я стою, стою спиною к строю
- Юнна Мориц – Мой подвал
- Sonnet (X) : In the search of the physical immortality by Neelam Sinha
- The Dark Cavalier by Margaret Widdemer
- Владимир Маяковский – Ты знаешь это вот… (Главполитпросвет №267)
- What Is Woman But A Song! by Timothy Thomas Fortune
- Man Versus Satan by Shahida Latif
- From The Frontier Of Writing by Seamus Heaney
- Song of Medical Dick and Medical Davy by Oliver St. John Gogarty
- Владимир Набоков – Верба
- Вера Звягинцева – Всхожу на мост
- Best Friend by Nicole M Nugent
Some external links:
Duckduckgo.com – the alternative in the US
Quant.com – a search engine from France, and also an alternative, at least for Europe
Yandex – the Russian search engine (it’s probably the best search engine for image searches).