Silken wraps on finite form,
Relax in the lull before the storm,
Stately warriors hear…wars dreaded call,
Lions of war…animals maul.
The proud…the brave,
No one could save,
Battlefields of blood,
Human dust…without a grave,
It’s just a game,
Folly, but no crime,
Who will take the blame?
For the warmongers son’s still shine.
The Maniacs that fight,
And savages that bite,
Have all but lost their sight,
In images, no one considers right.
When all is said and done,
A good war cannot be won.
Just some lose less
In hostilities that only, the devil will bless.
End of the poem
15 random poems
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- Shut Not Your Doors, &c. by Walt Whitman
- Song—Address to the Woodlark by Robert Burns
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- Meeting and Passing by Robert Frost
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- Sweeney Erect by T. S. Eliot
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