Today I sit thinking what I shall do,
Staring at the walls and the boards alike,
Puzzled completely in my mind.
O God! I make a question why?
Is it that you maketh us things we do not like,
That too to the extent of sheer dislike,
I ask myself why;
At the same time wasting money makes me cry;
But now I may ask thou ,
Why can a man not do what job he likes and ,
Live a happy life.
Mayank Sharma ,
The first ever poem.
Written on February the 23rd , 2011 in a physics lecture at Manipal institute of technology.
End of the poem
15 random poems
- Вера Павлова – Твоя хладность
- Resolve by Sylvia Plath
- Waking In March by Philip Levine
- A Woman Unconscious by Ted Hughes
- Владимир Маяковский – Венера Милосская и Вячеслав Полонский
- Иннокентий Анненский – Любовь к прошлому
- Олег Бундур – Старания
- Георгий Иванов – То, о чем искусство лжет
- Robert Burns: Verses Written With A Pencil Over the Chimney-piece in the Parlour of the Inn at Kenmore, Taymouth.:
- Peace poem – Gerard Manley Hopkins poems
- A Sleepless Night poem – Alfred Austin
- Away With Funeral Music by Robert Louis Stevenson
- Praises to my motherland ! by Neelam Sinha
- A Woman Waking by Philip Levine
- Иван Варавва – Соловей на веточке
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