Israel Gaza

Fuck Israel, fuck filthy Zionist swine.
A threat to humankind’s well-being
The scum defiled the ancient Palestine
And stole the land from normal human beings

Fuck Zionist swine who murder, rape, and loot
Pretending that they have some right divine
The only right they’ve got is to get the boot
Up saggy Zionist ass, sniff their own gas and die

The evil tribe, the planet’s shame and sorrow
Though tribesmen love so much to whine
And bitch, and nag, as if there was no tomorrow,
And bask in victimhood, the sick repulsive swine

The tribe of usurers, the gang of thieves
The tribe of psychos, the devil’s own spawn
Mankind will breathe a deep sigh of relief
The day when you, scum of the earth, are gone.

The day America will free itself from the swinish yoke
And free the world from its verminous embrace
That day will also be the end of history’s worst joke
As Zionist cancer will be gone without a trace

Fuck Israel, fuck sick repulsive swine.
Let Zionist swine be shot, hanged on a tree
The planet will be free, and so will Palestine
Be free again from the river to the sea.