by Martina Reisz Newberry
If you believe in ghosts,
I think you must believe
that earth’s good smells live on
and that the dead will act
on fury and on fear.
You must believe that, while
the dead are under the
dirt or parked in urns, they
still have a plan. They want
to see their favorite movies
again and scratch their dogs’
bellies, make love in warm places
and buy chocolate at the market.
I’ve sensed ghosts now and then,
turned to where I thought
my mother’s eyes might watch or
my father’s fingers might touch.
I’ve found my cupboard door
ajar and heard wild words
in the dark. If you believe
in ghosts, you must believe
that living is not a huge
salt sea, but a shallow
stream in which most things, like
the restless dead, stay afloat.
End of the poem
15 random poems
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- Sonnet 54: O, how much more doth beauty beauteous seem by William Shakespeare
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- A Hairline Fracture poem – Amy Clampitt poems | Poems and Poetry
- My November Guest by Robert Frost
- Огюст Барбье – Берега моря
- The Secrets Of Divine Love Are To Be Kept by William Cowper
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- Felix Randal poem – Gerard Manley Hopkins poems
- Lord when the wise men came from farr by Sidney Godolphin
- Hyla Brook by Robert Frost
- Ellipsis by Shaunna Harper
- Paradise Lost: Book 08 poem – John Milton poems
- Владимир Луговской – Краски
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