it is not so much
carbon doxide from metal pipes
as more and more
fret, frenzy and friction
that burst out into the sky
making the whole world
dangerously warmer
(sept.19, 2004)
End of the poem
15 random poems
- Upon Her Eyes by Robert Herrick
- Илья Зданевич – Ослиный Бох
- Considering The Snail by Thom Gunn
- Шекспир – С любовью связан жизненный мой путь – Сонет 92
- Red Roses by Nithin Purple
- Doomsday by Sylvia Plath
- Анатолий Жигулин – Горят сырые листья
- Astrophel and Stella: XV by Sir Philip Sidney
- Николай Языков – Подражание псалму
- София Парнок – Об одной лошаденке чалой
- Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost
- Epitaphs For Two Players by Vachel Lindsay
- The Settle An’ The Girt Wood Vire by William Barnes
- On Receiving A Curious Shell poem – John Keats poems
- Robert Burns: My Father Was A Farmer:
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Yandex – the Russian search engine (it’s probably the best search engine for image searches).