Title and Author: Goals – How to Get Everything You Want – Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible by Brian Tracy
Synopsis of Content:
By mastering the process of creating, clarifying and using goals to guide your activity you have the potential to use the one resource that is most limited, your time, to achieve the most possible. This is the thesis of Brian Tracy’s book on Goals.
This book begins at the beginning with understanding your tremendous potential and rejecting external and internal limitations. Tracy then takes you on a journey to clarify your values and take control of your own life. He then discusses how to determine your true goals in light of the values clarification.
Next Tracy teaches how to manage time effectively to achieve your goals and how to manage them. He devotes time to discuss the importance of skills and creativity in these efforts. He discusses the importance of looking at your goals and acting upon them daily. This may be the most crucial observation in the book: that no matter how carefully and artfully you identify goals if you do not act upon them continuously they will lead you nowhere.
Finally Tracy teaches the importance of flexibility in thinking and in applying goals and the value of persistence.
Readability/Writing Quality:
As with all of Tracy’s books this is an easy read. It is aimed at the average reader. The book is well organized and contains bullet points and lots of headings and subheadings to keep your thinking organized as you digest the information.
Notes on Author:
Brian Tracy is a prolific author of books, audio and video programs. He may be the most prolific author in his field in the entire world. He operates a large multinational corporation training people in business and on human potential.
Three Great Ideas You Can Use:
1. If Tracy was given only five minutes to speak to you and he could convey only one thought that would help you to be more successful, he would tell you “Write down your goals, make plans to achieve them, and work on your plans every single day.” This is the most powerful teaching in the entire book.
2. “It doesn’t matter where you’re coming from; all that matters is where you’re going. And where you are going is solely determined by yourself and your own thoughts.”
3. The primary difference between high achievers and low achievers is “action orientation.” Men and women who accomplish tremendous deeds in life are intensely action oriented.
Publication Information:
Goals – How to Get Everything You Want – Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible by Brian Tracy
Copyright: 2003 by Brian Tracy
Published by Berrett-Koehler, Inc., San Francisco, CA.
Rating for this Book
Over all Rating for Book: Excellent
Writing Style: Easy to read.
Usefulness: Very useful to anyone serious about increasing their potential and their achievement.
Source by Daniel Murphy