So sweet the lyre, so musical the strain,
By which my suit, Belovëd! is expressed,
That, hearing them, no such indifferent breast
But welcomes Love and his delicious pain,
And opes to his innumerable train
Of sweet persuasions, lovely mysteries,
Brief angers, gentle reconcilements, sighs
And ardour unabash’d by proud disdain.
Yet, when I strive to sing what beauty dwells
Upon thy brow, so oft in scorn array’d,
My song upon the unworthy lips expires.
It must be loftier verse than mine that tells
Of loveliness like thine. My Muse, dismay’d,
Folds her weak wing and silently retires.
End of the poem
15 random poems
- The Best Friend by William Henry Davies
- Elegy for an Enemy by Stephen Vincent Benet
- Couplets on Wit poem – Alexander Pope
- The Minotaur by Ted Hughes
- All Saints Day 1867
- The Gate by Marie Howe
- Вера Звягинцева – Шафрановым загаром
- Oh, see how thick the goldcup flowers poem – A. E. Housman
- Robert Burns: Ploughman’s Life, The:
- Dust of Snow by Robert Frost
- Владимир Орлов – Как появились ромашки
- American Smooth by Rita Dove
- The Country Doctor by Will McKendree Carleton
- Anecdote For Fathers by William Wordsworth
- Olney Hymn 22: Prayer For A Blessing In The Young by William Cowper
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