
Have you ever loved someone so much that you can’t imagine your world without them? How would you cope knowing you would never see that person again? Would you resort to alcohol and drugs, or would you find positive ways to cope with your tragic loss?

I buried my father, who was my best friend, a day before my 25th birthday. When the doctors called my family into his office and told us that my father was dead I screamed and kept yelling, “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t live in this world without him.” He meant the world to me. Who was going to protect me? Who was going to be my best friend? I knew that I wanted to end my life because life wasn’t worth living if he wasn’t there. Days after the funeral, I was more and more depressed; all I could think about was seeing my father again. It has been three years since he has passed and I have learned how to cope with his untimely passing by doing the following:

In conclusion, losing a loved one can be difficult to cope with. I encourage everyone to keep their faith in God because He hears your cries and knows your pain, and He will never leave you. Also, don’t keep your feelings bottled up inside, be sure to express how you are feeling through writing, talking, drawing, etc. Lastly, channel your energy by turning your tragedy into triumph. You would feel a lot better knowing that your loved one is smiling down from heaven.


Source by Patrice D. Wilkerson