You are not alone,
Keep your fears thrown,
You are a beautiful soul,
Who can win in any poll.

You are my friend, I am here to blend.

It is a beautiful day,
Come let’s go out to play,
It is your game; it is your choice,
I am here for you, let’s just rejoice.

I am your friend, I have time to spend.

Competition is intensive, just think positive,
Let’s not quit, to become a fugitive,
Do not fear for anything; let’s be partners in game,
Let’s together pull this off with style, and enjoy the fame.

I am your friend, on whom you can depend.

It doesn’t matter if you fail,
It is a journey we need to sail,
It hurts me when you cry,
Stop not, we need to try.

I am your friend, this is what I Intend.

Good or bad, share it with me,
Relax now; make your mind free,
Let’s face it together, be it right or wrong,
May god bless our friendship, may it grow long and strong.

You are my friend I am blessed.