I remember the day we met and we became friends, ya maybe from then,
came so close but i never knew from when..

From our childhood we always have been together,
we have memories which no one else could ever gather..

I never know will this tym come to us ever,
but this memories will last sure forever..

You are the bestest of ma friend,
i know our friendship will never end..

You mean my world to me,
nothng else could beter be, to me..

will be there to catch you when you fall and there be around,
will be holding your hand, i swear will never let u down..

Everytime i see u smile,
my world stops there for a while..

Nothng cen ever be so sweet like you my friend,
i know our friendship will never end…

Copyright ©:  11/16/2010 Miraj Patel

End of the poem

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Some external links:

The Bat’s Own Poetry Cave 

Talking Writing Monster.

Duckduckgo.com – the alternative in the US

Quant.com – a search engine from France, and also an alternative, at least for Europe

Yandex – the Russian search engine (it’s probably the best search engine for image searches).
