Home » Topics » Loving I love you
by Inganathi Ntantiso
My love for you is growing each and every day
I love you like you are the only man in this world
I love you like you are perfect
Always be my first love
I love you more when you hurt me
I don’t give up on you when you don’t even care
Your smile is killing me slowly
I am so desperate for you
I believe in whatever you are saying
I believe in you
I love you when you say im not a quitter
I really cant quit on your love
You always ask me what so special about you
Well it is your personality
Your eyes, your smile and your warm hugs
You are so special to me
You have hurt me so much
But i still love you
I will love you now and forever
I love you endlessly
End of the poem
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- Владимир Высоцкий – Всё меньше вас, участники войны
- A February Night poem – Amy Cavanaugh poems | Poems and Poetry
- Robert Burns: My Heart’s In The Highlands:
- Владимир Маяковский – Вот по борьбе с голодом отчет (Главполитпросвет №320)
- Владимир Маяковский – Дом Герцена
- Sonnet 08
- Lines Written In The Highlands After A Visit To Burns’s Country poem – John Keats poems
- Олег Бундур – Переселение
- A Prayer For My Son by William Butler Yeats
- The Sanctuary by Sara Teasdale
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