I love you, Mother.
You made me strong.
You taught me God’s Prayer.
Not yielding to wrong.

You led me along a virtuous path.
Anytime I strayed from that line.
You held my hands tight and led me to His Hearth.
His Fire and Glimmering Flame was His True Sign.

Mum, your tearful shouts of God’s Faith
imbued me with His Words.
Youth and reckless indifference made me lose the path.
Life’s heartache-struggle expunged me from that evil horde.

Your death with the Lord in that timeless hour
drove me closer to Him so I can cherish His Savior.
Your passing will be a sorrow that strikes at my heart.
God is the Healer Who will bless us so we never part.

Thank you so much, Mum, for caring for me,
wrapping me up so warm in your maternal embrace.
In Light of God’s Eternal Flame, your beauty I see.
Singing His Psalms as drift to slumber in silent sunset of solace

Happy New Year, in your special place with God. .