I love my rat
He is just so outrageously fat.
Clutching his stupid iPhone
That is of a satanically pink hue
He giggles; I feel so happy
The End. Sort of.
I love my rat.
External links:
- 1. Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion? The truth behind.
- An Ode to the Democratic Rat
- 1. Transgender rugby player. Ridiculous truth. Will pets ever play rugby?
A Poetic Bonus
May 19 is the Young Pioneers Day.
There is no longer a Soviet empire,
But, as before, our pioneers
For children — a good example!
Pioneer Land, don’t get bored,
And get congratulations on your own day.
I congratulate you, our pioneers.
Good luck, success, health to you all, I wish you!
Let the rallying cry of the new years’ pioneer
Resound like it used to: “Always be ready!”.
*In English (unrhymed, the Russian version is deliberately rhymed in the most primitive way, with excessive reliance on similar ending verbs)
19 мая — День пионерии.
Нет уже больше советской империи,
Но, как и раньше, наш пионер
Для детворы — хороший пример!
Страна Пионерия, ты не скучай,
А поздравления в свой день получай.
Вас, пионеры, я поздравляю.
Удачи, успехов, здоровья, желаю!
Пусть клич пионеров новых годов
Будет, как прежде: «Всегда будь готов!».

- illustration by /the/ Fledermaus/i[↩]