Haec est quae toties Inimicos Umbra fugavit,
At sub qua Cives Otia lenta terunt.
In eandem Reginae Sueciae transmissam
Bellipotens Virgo, septem Regina Trionum.
Christina, Arctoi lucida stella Poli;
Cernis quas merui dura sub Casside Rugas;
Sicque Senex Armis impiger Ora fero;
Invia Fatorum dum per Vestigia nitor,
Exequor & Populi fortia Jussa Manu.
At tibi submittit frontem reverentior Umbra,
Nec sunt hi Vultus Regibus usque truces.

Andrew Marvell (1621-1678) was a renowned English poet and politician who lived during the 17th century. He is widely recognized for his skillful metaphysical poetry and his contributions to the literary movement known as the Metaphysical School. Marvell’s works often explored themes such as love, politics, and the transient nature of life. Some of his notable poems include “To His Coy Mistress” and “The Garden.” Marvell’s writing continues to be celebrated for its imaginative language, wit, and intellectual depth.