Io v’amo sol perchè voi siete bella,
e perchè vuol mia stella,
non ch’io speri da voi, dolce mio bene,
altro che pene.
E se talor gli occhi miei mostrate
aver qualche pietate,
io non spero da voi del pianger tanto
altro che pianto.
Nè, perchè udite i miei sospiri ardenti
che per voi sprago a i venti,
altro spera da voi questo mio core
se non dolore.
Lasciate pur ch’io v’ami e ch’io vi miri
e che per voi sospiri,
chè pene pianto e doglia è sol mercede
de la mia fede.
I love you simply because you are fair,
and my stars desire it
not that I hope for anything from you,
my sweet life, except misery.
And if you decide to show pity
sometimes for my eyes,
I do not hope for anything but
weeping for so much sadness.
Nor, because you hear my burning sighs,
that for you I allow the winds to hear,
does this heart of mine hope for
anything from you but sorrow.
Let me still love you and look on you
and sigh for you, since
sadness, weeping and sorrow are
the only rewards I have for my love.
The End
And that’s the End of the Poem
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Torquato Tasso was an Italian poet of the 16th century, known for his 1591 poem Gerusalemme liberata, in which he depicts a highly imaginative version of the combats between Christians and Muslims at the end of the First Crusade, during the Siege of Jerusalem of 1099