Now if I can’t be your hotdog lemme be your little weiner
Baby if I can’t be your regular man lemme be your in betweener
And if I can’t be your human torch lemme be your submariner
Well hey baby don’t you leave me this way lemme be somethin’
Yeah If I can’t be your Abercrombie bitch lemme be your five and tener
If I can’t be your all-the-time lemme be your now-and-thenner
And if I can’t be your now-and-thenner lemme be your you-tell-me-whenner
Mmm hey baby don’t you leave me this way lemme be somethin’
And if I can’t be your datenut bread lemme be your soda cracker
And if I can’t be your boom-a-dee boom lemme be your clickity clacker
And if I can’t be your seven-course meal lemme be your midnight snacker
Yeah baby don’t you leave me this way lemme be somethin’
Yeah if I can’t be your lovey-dovey lemme be your flirty-flirty
And if I can’t be your orchestra lemme be your little hurdy gurdy
And if I can’t be your Mr Clean lemme be your Mr Dirty
Oh hey baby don’t you leave me this way lemme be somthin’
Hey if I can’t be your Sunday man lemme be your Monday action
Yeah well if I can’t be your big big show lemme be your coming attraction
And if I can’t be your coming attraction lemme be your momentary satisfaction
Yeah well hey baby don’t you leave me this way lemme be somethin’
And if I can’t be your bombardier let me be your tail gunner
If I can’t be your serious love lemme be your just-for-funner
And if I can’t be your big collision lemme be your hit-and-runner
Yeah well hey baby don’t you leave me this way lemme be somethin’
The End
And that’s the End of the Poem
© Poetry Monster, 2021.
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Some external links: The Bat’s Poetry Cave. — Fledermaus’s poetry site. Talking Writing Monster. — the irreverent and irrelevant chatter on subjects both serious and not quite. A free for all board. You can scribble anything on it without registration (but it doesn’t let spammers in). You can even post your poems. — a search engine from France. It’s an alternative because there are a few alternatives, like Bing, Duckduckgo, and Ecosia. And there is Yandex, the ultimate language-oriented search engine for the Russophone world. Commercial Links: Russian Commerce – the foreign trade assistance agency Other links: Poems and poetry in Russian (if you are reading this in English, as you obviously are, then you’d have to switch the language, the language switch is on the menu. More on languages)