let’s love the lawn
by Raj Arumugam
let’s love the lawn
let’s trim the lawn;
let’s get it cut
and neat and fine;
let’s do the groovy lawn dance
so the neighbors will be
green as nourished grass
let’s feed the lawn
all chemicals and fertilizers;
let’s read the warnings first
keep away from eyes
wear a face mask
and spread generously
on lawn
let’s keep the lawn beautiful
and pleasant
like the ancient fields of Albion,
it’s time for the weed-killer sprays
and conscientious as we are
we use only enviro-friendly
so let’s read the instructions
Keep spray away from drains
and eyes and skin
and do not spray before rain
Ah, come on
ladies and gentlemen
of our distinguished
blue ribbon suburbs;
out all with your chemicals
and all our pesticides
to kill the grubs and such pests
come all, Old Ken
and newly-weds Lily and Peter
and new-arrivals Tan and Goh
we’ll show you how;
come sweethearts
come let’s dance in the fields of cherished suburbs
and let the earth yield a great big burb
this is the way
we spray chemicals
this is the way we kill our weeds;
this is the way we fertilize our lawns
this is the way we spray pesticides
early morning
every Spring and Summer
this is the way we do it
early morning
every Spring and Summer
so let’s love the lawn
let’s trim the lawn;
let’s get it cut
and neat and fine;
let’s do the groovy lawn dance
so the neighbors will be
green as nourished grass
Copyright ©: Raj Arumugam
The End
And that’s the End of the Poem
© Poetry Monster, 2021.
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