Life is filled with ups and downs obviously
It is never a straight road as everyone wish
It is a bumpy ride with fast twists and turns
Hence instead of complaining and carping
Merrily live for the moment, be in the present.
Never ever contemplate on the future rosy
For one knows not what lies ahead in store
Nor needlessly brood over the bygone past
And repent for the actions compelled or not
Hence do not fritter away the precious now
Merrily live for the moment, be in the present.
Forgive and forget the denigrations suffered
Never ruminate on the wounds long-healed
For they may return and make you resentful
And spoil your mirth which sometimes visits
Hence make the most of the slippery delight
Merrily live for the moment, be in the present.
Thus savour each moment of life unruffled
That makes it a worthy living and profound
Least stirred about by several undercurrents
Those toss the boat vigorously but in vain
For one may get wet but never gets drowned
Merrily live for the moment, be in the present.