A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947)
Come, my darling, let us dance
To the moon that beckons us
To dissolve our love in trance
Heedless of the hideous
Heat & hate of Sirius-
Shun his baneful brilliance!
Let us dance beneath the palm
Moving in the moonlight, frond
Wooing frond above the calm
Of the ocean diamond
Sparkling to the sky beyond
The enchantment of our psalm.
Let us dance, my mirror of
Perfect passion won to peace,
Let us dance, my treasure trove,
On the marble terraces
Carven in pallid embroeideries
For the vestal veil of Love.
Heaven awakes to encompass us,
Hell awakes its jubilance
In our hearts mysterious
Marriage of the azure expanse,
With the scarlet brilliance
Of the Moon with Sirius.
Velvet swatches our lissome limbs
Languid lapped by sky & sea
Soul through sense & spirit swims
Through the pregnant porphyry
Dome of lapiz-lazuli:-
Heart of silence, hush our hymns.
Come my darling; let us dance
Through the golden galaxies
Rythmic swell of circumstance
Beaming passion’s argosies:
Ecstacy entwined with ease,
Terrene joy transcending trance!
Thou my scarlet concubine
Draining heart’s blood to the lees
To empurple those divine
Lips with living luxuries
Life importunate to appease
Drought insatiable of wine!
Tunis in the tremendous trance
Rests from day’s incestuous
Traffic with the radiance
Of her sire-& over us
Gleams the intoxicating glance
Of the Moon & Sirius.
Take the ardour of my impearled
Essence that my shoulders seek
To intensify the curled
Candour of the eyes oblique,
Eyes that see the seraphic sleek
Lust bewitch the wanton world.
Come, my love, my dove, & pour
From thy cup the serpent wine
Brimmed & breathless -secret store
Of my crimson concubine
Surfeit spirit in the shrine-
Devil -Godess -Virgin -Whore.
Afric sands ensorcel us,
Afric seas & skies entrance
Velvet, lewd & luminous
Night surveys our soul askance!
Come my love, & let us dance
To the Moon and Sirius!
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External links
Bat’s Poetry Page – more poetry by Fledermaus
Talking Writing Monster’s Page –
Batty Writing – the bat’s idle chatter, thoughts, ideas and observations, all original, all fresh
Poems in English
- To Mrs. M. B. On Her Birthday poem – Alexander Pope
- Macer : A Character poem – Alexander Pope
- Lines Written in Windsor Forest poem – Alexander Pope
- Inscription on a Grotto, the Work of Nine Ladies. poem – Alexander Pope
- In Imitation of Spenser : The Alley poem – Alexander Pope
- In Imitation of E. of Rochester : On Silence poem – Alexander Pope
- In Imitation of E. of Dorset : Artemisia poem – Alexander Pope
- In Imitation of Dr. Swift : The Happy Life of a Country Parson poem – Alexander Pope
- In Imitation of Cowley : The Garden poem – Alexander Pope
- In Imitation of Chaucer poem – Alexander Pope
- Farewell to London poem – Alexander Pope
- Epistle To Mrs Teresa Blount.[On Her Leaving The Town After The Coronation] poem – Alexander Pope
- Epistle To Mrs Teresa Blount.[On Her Leaving The Town After The Coronation] poem – Alexander Pope
- Chorus of Youths and Virgins poem – Alexander Pope
- Chorus of Athenians poem – Alexander Pope
- Autumn – The Third Pastoral, or Hylas and Ægon poem – Alexander Pope
- To the Author of a Poem Entitled Succession poem – Alexander Pope
- An Essay on Man: Epistle II poem – Alexander Pope
- You Know Where You Did Despise poem – Alexander Pope
- Universal Prayer poem – Alexander Pope
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