!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>Market Square by A. A. Milne/title> /div> h1 class=”pageTitle”>Market Square/h1> div class=”entry-content clearfix”> h2 class=”author”>by A. A. Milne/h2> div id=”content”> p>I had a penny,br /> A bright new penny,br /> I took my pennybr /> To the market square.br /> I wanted a rabbit,br /> A little brown rabbit,br /> And I looked for a rabbitbr /> ‘Most everywhere./p> p>For I went to the stall where they sold sweet lavenderbr /> (“Only a penny for a bunch of lavender!”).br /> “Have you got a rabbit, ‘cos I don’t want lavender?”br /> But they hadn’t got a rabbit, not anywhere there./p> p>I had a penny,br /> And I had another penny,br /> I took my penniesbr /> To the market square.br /> I did want a rabbit,br /> A little baby rabbit,br /> And I looked for rabbitsbr /> ‘Most everywhere./p> p>And I went to the stall where they sold fresh mackerelbr /> (“Now then! Tuppence for a fresh-caught mackerel!”).br /> “Have you got a rabbit, ‘cos I don’t like mackerel?”br /> But they hadn’t got a rabbit, not anywhere there./p> p>I found a sixpence,br /> A little white sixpence.br /> I took it in my handbr /> To the market square.br /> I was buying my rabbitbr /> I do like rabbits),br /> And I looked for my rabbitbr /> ‘Most everywhere./p> p>So I went to the stall where they sold fine saucepansbr /> (“Walk up, walk up, sixpence for a saucepan!”).br /> “Could I have a rabbit, ‘cos we’ve got two saucepans?”br /> But they hadn’t got a rabbit, not anywhere there./p> p>I had nuffin’,br /> No, I hadn’t got nuffin’,br /> So I didn’t go downbr /> To the market square;br /> But I walked on the common,br /> The old-gold common…br /> And I saw little rabbitsbr /> ‘Most everywhere!/p> p>So I’m sorry for the people who sell fine saucepans,br /> I’m sorry for the people who sell fresh mackerel,br /> I’m sorry for the people who sell sweet lavender,br /> ‘Cos they haven’t got a rabbit, not anywhere there!/p>/div> p>br /> br> /body> /html>