Is Doctor’s duty to tell his patient truth?
Should doctors never lie?
That truth is really of no use
If it makes poor patient die.
More poems by Fledermaus
- Fuck Israel
- Spirituality of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Gerard Manley Hopkins: a shepherd poet
- John Milton As Author of Pornographic Verse: An Extempore Upon a Faggot
- Free the Holy Land — a poem about Palestine
- Did Shakespeare write his own plays and poems?
- Lynching
- Kimchi
- A Poem about Sauerkraut
- Cabbage
- Joe Biden, a Ghazal
- Ghazal by Agha Shahid Ali
- Joe Biden’s Torment
- Insolent couplets
- An Insolent Jew
- Ode to Wine
- On Beer
- Ode to Beer, an Irish Song
- Whose beer is that? A Poem about Beer.
- An Ode to Beer
- Ancient pornography before pornography. 10 Most Shocking Sex Artifacts From The Ancient World. Amazing works of erotic art of the ancient world.
- Sonnet to Italy by Felicia Dorothea Hemans
- Flowers notebook
- Letters to the Otherworld
- The Azure Sea of an alien tongue
- Happy Victory Day – May 9, 2022
- Erotic comics by Hanz Kovacq, porn comic books by known illustrators – continued
- Hitler, a poem about Hitler
- Asparagus – A Tanka Poem
- Missile – A Tanka Poem
- The Language of William Dunbar
- A Quick Ode to Spam, a Poem about Spam
- Ode to the Bat , a Sonnet
- Hellcat
- On Twitter
- Medical Ethics
- In Memoriam
- Taylor Swift
- Light and Darkness
- Poetic Abbreviations, Poetry Abbreviations
- Subtlety
- An Invitation
- Poets
- Nikolai Gumilev –
- The Eolian Harp by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
- William Henry Davies
- A Sure Sign by Georgi Ladonshchikov
- Sergei Esenin – Sergueï Essénine – Stars
- Sergei Esenin (Serguei Yesenin, Sergueï Essénine) – Sounds of Sorrow
- Аnything can happen