some squatting among thorny bushes
some scrawling along a burying tunnel
some suffocating below the rusty waterline
some trudging on a simmering desert
much running in a dark rainforest
much struggling in a stormy sea
much prisoning in a sealed moving cage
much threatening from fists
cudgels, knives, bullets and
more gnawing of my inwards
by insults in addition to injuries
but with no need for passports or visas
i have kept fleeing
flying up towards the golden sun
like a wish-winged migrant bird
leaving my heavy shadow
far behind
End of the poem
15 random poems
- simple_heart.html
- I, or Someone Like Me by Marvin Bell
- The Call of the Crows by Tanmoy
- These Are The Clouds by William Butler Yeats
- Epigram on the said Occasion by Robert Burns
- A Dialogue Of Self And Soul by William Butler Yeats
- Astrophel and Stella: III by Sir Philip Sidney
- Blame by Raj Napal
- Виктор Колесников – Вороний мат во все концы
- “The Girt Woak Tree That’s In the Dell” by William Barnes
- day_dream.html
- Владимир Орлов – Где петушок носит гребешок
- Golden Eangle
- The Flower of Mending by Vachel Lindsay
- Again
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Yandex – the Russian search engine (it’s probably the best search engine for image searches).