For a quiver full of
ArrowsI bare my chest as a stone.
Pierce my heart
For life without your seductive loveIs sin without temptation.
You are now as rude as a bear,Since I have turned as ugly as sin.
If I am as silly as a gooseI have made you more bitter than gall.
You, who was sweeter than honey,
Once supple as swan.
Now is like vinegar,
I beg for a beam of light
From once your graceful face.
Even a crust of bread
Holds more value to you.
Like a troop of lion will pounce on a lamb.
I stand unarmed at your anger,
For a quiver full of arrows
My heart as weak as water.
For life without you Is a gust of wind
A hail of fire
Life without your love Is sin without temptation.
Copyright ©: Credopoets 2012
End of the poem
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