The plump good-natured children play in the blue pool:
roll and plop, plop and roll;
slide and tumble, oiled, in the slippery sun
silent as otters, turning over and in,
churning the water; or-seamstresses-cut and sew
with jackknives its satins invisibly.
Not beautiful, but suddenly limned with light
their elliptical wet flesh in a flash reflects it
and it greens the green grass, greens the hanging leaf
greens Adam and Eden, greens little Eve.
End of the poem
15 random poems
- Near Avalon by William Morris
- Sonnet 12
- Владимир Маяковский – Все давайте советской республике, все получите от советской республики (РОСТА № 293)
- Up The Line by Will McKendree Carleton
- The Morning Of The Day Appointed For A General Thanksgiving. January 18, 1816 by William Wordsworth
- Федор Сваровский – Об удивительном
- Николай Карамзин – Господину Дмитриеву на болезнь его (Болезнь есть часть живущих в мире)
- Ок Мельникова – Sha man
- A Woman Homer Sung by William Butler Yeats
- Владимир Маяковский – Рабочий! Глупость беспартийную выкинь!.. (РОСТА)
- Soil by Roger McGough
- Legacy by Vinko Kalinić
- Валерий Брюсов – Последнее желанье
- Владимир Высоцкий – Песня о Земле
- Among The Narcissi by Sylvia Plath
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