My passion is not reading this, or writing this poem, that’s not the care! 
Looking in the eyes of the listeners is the dare! 
Being here while our life’s intermingle, 
that is my one in a lifetime. 
While looking at those ladies that are fine. 
Have you ever been in love & let your feelings outbreak? 
Well I’ll tell you of a love, where hopefully you can relate. 
Your lives intermingle and somehow you know this is the beginning of all you ever longed for. 
A love you can build on and a love that can only grow. 
No need to tell or show. 
Four letters that you have begun to withhold. 
For your actions spell them out, 
because one definition seems to steep. 
For a feeling too deep can’t be weighed on one weep… 
Word, sentence, light touch of the lips or late night creep! ! ! 
Mere four words that can’t seem to be measured. 
A true passion, 
that people wouldn’t dare to come true. 
Being so compelled that would make you say…. 
I found my Once In A Lifetime with you! ! !