Poems and poetry by author and author category, time period, era, poetic movement; arranged somewhat liberally, imprecisely and in a manner that may appear inaccurate or, to some, even biased but… this is an ongoing living endeavor and, besides, — God forbid, — I am not making any claims to perfection.
Ancient Greek Poetry in English translation
Late Medieval Poetry
Persian, Indian and Central Asian Poetry from the Middle Ages
English baroque, the 16th and the early 17th century:
18th Century
English Romanticism
19th Century American Romanticism
19th Century, Victorian Poetry
19th and early 20th century American
19th Century Russian Poetry in translation
Alexander Pushkin (Pouchkine)
British poetry from the late 19th and early 20th century
Fin de siècle
Great War Poets
Australian poetry
Modernism | Surrealism
Twentieth Century British Poetry
Contemporary American Poetry
Contemporary Poetry
Poetry in translation
French poetry
Russian poetry
Words, just words:
- Alexandr Blok[↩]