Here are poems, verses, oddball pieces of writing, articles and notes. Not all poems here are by Fledermaus, when by they are by someone else then Fledermausi had marked them accordingly, like a poem by William Shakespeare or Adolf Hitler
- Fuck Israel
- Spirituality of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Gerard Manley Hopkins: a shepherd poet
- John Milton As Author of Pornographic Verse: An Extempore Upon a Faggot
- Free the Holy Land — a poem about Palestine
- Did Shakespeare write his own plays and poems?
- Lynching
- Kimchi
- A Poem about Sauerkraut
- Cabbage
- Joe Biden, a Ghazal
- Ghazal by Agha Shahid Ali
- Joe Biden’s Torment
- Insolent couplets
- An Insolent Jew
- Ode to Wine
- On Beer
- Ode to Beer, an Irish Song
- Whose beer is that? A Poem about Beer.
- An Ode to Beer
- Ancient pornography before pornography. 10 Most Shocking Sex Artifacts From The Ancient World. Amazing works of erotic art of the ancient world.
- Sonnet to Italy by Felicia Dorothea Hemans
- Flowers notebook
- Letters to the Otherworld
- The Azure Sea of an alien tongue
- Happy Victory Day – May 9, 2022
- Erotic comics by Hanz Kovacq, porn comic books by known illustrators – continued
- Hitler, a poem about Hitler
- Asparagus – A Tanka Poem
- Missile – A Tanka Poem
- The Language of William Dunbar
- A Quick Ode to Spam, a Poem about Spam
- Ode to the Bat , a Sonnet
- Hellcat
- On Twitter
- Medical Ethics
- In Memoriam
- Taylor Swift
- Light and Darkness
- Poetic Abbreviations, Poetry Abbreviations
- Subtlety
- An Invitation
- Poets
- Nikolai Gumilev –
- The Eolian Harp by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
- William Henry Davies
- A Sure Sign by Georgi Ladonshchikov
- Sergei Esenin – Sergueï Essénine – Stars
- Sergei Esenin (Serguei Yesenin, Sergueï Essénine) – Sounds of Sorrow
- Аnything can happen