
Today I knocked on Heaven’s door

As it was locked, just like before

An Angel finally came to see

To what I sought, on bended knee.

The Angel asked, What brings you here?

Dear child on earth, what do you fear?

Stand up now please, I see your eyes

They’re filled with tears, why do you cry?

Upon my chin, her hand she placed

As her wing passed, tears to erase.

A touch so soft, my cheek now dry

‘My heart’s heavy, that’s why I cry.’

‘I feel the weight, my world, too much

I need to feel, my savior’s touch

Such pain I feel, ready I am

To meet my Lord, I come again.’

I said, ‘you see, I’ve been before

There’s many times, I’ve knocked this door

But yet each time, no answer came

Turned back to earth, each time in shame.’

That’s when I heard, the angel say

Dear child you’ve erred, it’s not that way

You see my Lord, told me convey

His words to you, this very day.

It’s not your time, to join him yet

Your job on earth, do not forget

Incomplete work, you have there still

And this is why, not yet, his will.

When work fulfilled, you shall return

To join him here, no more to yearn

Your work on earth, just a short while

His home is yours, in time, dear child.

Return now child, to what you must

Our Lord’s promise, you must have trust

All things to come, as meant to be

Will be fulfilled eventually.

When it’s the time, to be called back

You’ll hear his voice, a knock to lack

Just heed his call, as your name’s read

For in his book, your name is said.

So return now, fulfill his will

Be mindful child, you know the drill

Listen to hear, his voice to lure.

No knock needed, on Heaven’s door.

Copyright 2006 All Rights Retained and Reserved O’Della Wilson AKA Alhavakia 


Source by O’Della Wilson