!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>power of thought by Abdullah Albaiti/title> /div> div itemprop=”genre” id=”content”> p>Do’nt know why is it so hard to vent my angerbr /> as I’m only a modern gent far from dangerbr /> my dreams, yeah its fulfilledbr /> but my life feels like I’m bulliedbr /> my friends,my family,my wife and yet i feel like I’m a strangerbr /> this world we live in,br /> or better yetbr /> this civilization we are inbr /> short,boring,laughable,limitedbr /> we are nothing more than a penbr /> even though we might come in differentbr /> colors,sizes,ink type butbr /> and i say so, we are all limitedbr /> some might achieve higherbr /> some might have nothingbr /> but ask yourself,br /> truly,deeply,wiselybr /> does it a make a difference??/p>/div> p>br /> br> /body> /html>